Wednesday, December 31, 2014

A new year. A new you?

So, in a few hours, 2014 will be over and 2015 will be ushered in.  Wow!  This year has flown by.  Have you noticed?  We’ve been through a lot.  If your year has been fruitful without any pain, heartaches, illnesses, any type of trials and tribulations, then you are super-blessed and you should be jumping up and down.  Now, for people like me, we’ve been through but we’ve made it. By that I mean still alive and if you’re still alive, then there’s chance for a better day.  I’ve learned a lot in this year about myself.  I’m stronger than I thought.  I’ve grown in my faith too.  That’s one of the spiritual items on my list that I really wanted this year.  We’ve had a death in the family, step-father, but my mom & I plus anyone else who’s living for Christ, will see him again.  

This year has brought joy of seeing my family healthy like at the family reunion.  Also a little sorrow for a night but “ cometh in the morning (Ps 30:5c)” as the scripture goes.   My baby boy was lost last month for one day, but by the grace of GOD (and I knew He would) my Chihuahua was returned to me.  HA! you thought I meant a human child right? :-)  Well, he is my child.  Anywho, this year has been something for all of us.  Some people in my family have been blessed with employment, a home, a car, a new addition to the family be it birth or marriage and whatever else that I either can’t name or don’t remember.  Our health is intact; even those who had to enter the hospital but they’ve entered out better or healing.  Yes, GOD is good.

As you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about your year.  How has it shaped who you are right now at this moment?  At the end of this year?  Does it make you feel hopeful about the next year? I hope so.

A new year.  New opportunities.  A chance for new beginnings.

A new you?  I hope so.  It’s a chance to be more forgiving (if that’s what you need).  Have a more positive outlook on life.  Look for that “open door” when the other door closes.  Focus more on being a positive encourager for someone who needs it.  It’ll take the focus off of what you’re going through.  Also, what you’re going through will probably give you the answer you need to get out or go through your situation.  I’m just saying.  Commit your life to reading more, laughing more, love more, be engaged more in whatever healthy interest you may have.  Spend more time with family: old, young, in between, all of them...get out and walk.  Enjoy the fresh air.  Take up a sport or a new hobby. Something you’ve always wanted to do.  Volunteer.  Spend more time at your own place of worship. If you don’t have one, find one.  Please make sure it’s legit and not one that will put you in a worse state than before.  Once you do, get more involved.  Volunteer there.  There’s someone there who will value what you have to give.   Get a rescue pet.  Do you know how much they’ll appreciate you saving their lives?  They’ll show you so much love.  You’ll wonder how you ever went on without them.  One more thing, tell GOD how much you appreciate what He’s done for you and your family...or just you.  “What has He done for me?” you may be asking.  Well, He woke you up this morning and all the other mornings, allowed you to be alive, so far, still walking and talking plus you’re reading my blog! OK, I’m joking on that last part but He has allowed you to still be on earth so, there.  

Remember this please if nothing else:  there’s always a brighter day.  A new chance for a new tomorrow.  Nothing last forever.  NOTHING.  As the old quote goes, “It’s always darkest before the dawn.”  Stay in faith or get some.  Be encouraged and Happy New Year!  It will be if you allow it to be.

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