I was listening to Moody Radio one day about something while I was in the shower, (sometimes I do my best thinking there --- inspiration) and whatever the conversation was about, I was like, “Hey, prayer is like a talk show. The only constant “celebrity” guest would be Jesus.” Well, actually, Jesus would be the guest co-host. Just like on the talk shows, we would talk about everything. Life, His Word, friendships, work, etc. and catch up on old times. My progress. Just spill my heart out but then don’t forget to listen to Him too because He has a lot more interesting things to talk about.
This is the way I have to approach prayer at times. I remember hearing somewhere, a while ago, it’s like talking to GOD. So, I’ve extended it to a “talk show” setting. “Hello Jesus. Welcome. Today’s topic is ‘failure.’ Boy, I feel like I messed up today…” I could have a talk about happier times like, “Jesus, today was pretty good. I didn’t yell at the people upstairs making all of that noise. I didn’t call drivers names on the road. I just gave You praise all day today. I’m feeling pretty good. Are you pleased with me? What do you have on Your heart today?” Yes, this works out better for me.
If we talk with Him more, our relationship grows. That’s how we can also develop our prayer life. Get use to talking with GOD the way we talk with our family and friends. I find it’s really easy at times. Every once in a while, I’ll treat it as if it’s a chore. I know that’s only the trick of the Enemy though because he doesn’t want me talking to GOD. See, Satan knows that if my prayer life is stronger, then he’s in big trouble. My knowledge of GOD’s word increases, Jesus is more prominent in my life and the Holy Spirit reigns supreme in my understanding, knowledge and discernment of Jesus and life.
So, develop your own personal “talk show.” Meet up with Jesus every day at a special time for you. Name it if it helps. Do whatever it takes to get that prayer life stronger, personalized and relationship on the right track. You won’t regret it. I know I don’t. Even when I mess up at times (still human trapped in this flesh), I know I can tell Jesus what I’ve done, where I’ve failed and ask for strength to do and be better. He’s my Friend, my Best Friend and everything else so He won’t leave me. Now, take a look at this link and see for yourself what a relationship to Jesus means to Him. http://prayer-coach.com/2012/12/25/jesus-receiving-his-birthday-gifts/
Also https://skitguys.com/videos/item/birthday-jesus Same one but these guys are the creators.